Thursday 13 March 2014

Lunch out and a healthy dinner

Not a bad day:
A spinach salad and a grilled chicken wrap. This McDonald's doesn't serve salad choices so I has to pick one up in the Walmart. 

Dinner! With a huge side of California vegetables.  Working really hard to get in those 7 servings a day!
Snacking today on raw almonds and popcorn. No sugar!!!! Yay!

Tuesday 11 March 2014

Day 3 sugar detox

Same old breakfast:)

It seems I have a thing for peanut butter.  From now on it will only be a breakfast thing. My 6 year old loves pb sandwiches and I seem to get suckered into making them and then having some myself:)
So today I am packing carrot sticks and an apple for snacks. 
Will check in again later. 
Have a fantastic day!

Day 2 sugar detox supper

The last meal of the day was a super rushed event as I have 2 hours between aerobic classes. Quinoa bread toasted with peanut butter have me just enough energy to make it to the next workout without weighing me down:)
Forgot to take a picture though!!!!
So after workout I had an apple and a rice cake. One thing about this cold, it is sucking the appetite out of me!

Monday 10 March 2014

Day 2 sugar free

This may not seem like a big deal to most people but if you've ever been addicted to sugar you know how hard it is to not have it. So here goes day 2.
Breakfast was the usual whole-grain toast with peanut butter and yogurt with Chia seeds. Snack today has been a Macintosh Apple and the Best popcorn you can buy Boom Chicka pop. Real ingredients!!l
Lunch was yesterday leftovers:
Chicken soup, tossed salad and Mary's crackers with salsa. Easy and delicious!
Now off to teach a workout!!

Sunday 9 March 2014

Supper Day 1

A home made burger on a whole wheat bun with a tosses salad. Yum!!
I had to have a late night snack as I was starving!
Couldn't even wait!!
Today was a pretty good day. Really low energy so I am worried I  fighting the flu!
3 workouts to do tomorrow. 2 of which are classes I teach so that energy needs to come back in a hurry:)

Day 1 lunch

Well easy is the name of the game.  
Lunch was Campbell's healthy choice chicken noodle soup with my own vegetables added. On the side was salmon with chives and a little bit of mayo with Mary's organic crackers (gluten free)
Easy and yummy with a spartan apple snack:)

Day 1 sugar detox

My time has come again!
There seems to be a time when sugar starts to take over my life. I think the yo-yo dieting has definitely been part of the problem. Today is the first step to a new relationship with food. 
Step 1 Eliminate refined sugar
What does that mean?
No cake, cookies, candy, pop. Etc
Basically eating clean whole foods.  I find that a clean break is best for me. For accountability I shall post photos of all I eat (aren't you lucky!). This is breakfast. 
Whole grain toast with natural peanut butter and vanilla Greek yogurt with a teaspoon of Chia seeds.
Next post will have snacks and lunch!